Care Health Solutions assists the patients to cover medical expenses for different types of injuries, including:
- Personal injury
- Premises liability
- Third-party liability cases
Care Health Solutions offers coverage for the following medical expenses as well:
- Specialist Consultations
- Diagnostics – Imaging
- Pain Management
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopedics
- Plastic Surgery
- Spine Surgery
- Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment
- Inpatient and Outpatient Surgical Procedures
- Medical Equipment
- Pre-settlement Funding for Clients
- Aftercare Nursing Facilities for Post-Surgical Procedures
Care Health Solutions offers a unique service of patient transportation across the U.S. Patients will be picked up from any location and safely transported to a medical facility, hospital, or any other location. The service can be requested for any type of situation: our logistics team handles cases of varying levels of difficulties, starting from regular check-ups to transportations of severely injured patients in critical conditions. We carefully plan and schedule every individual case taking into consideration possible delays and complications on the road. The safe and secure transportation of our clients is the highest priority of our Care Health Solutions team.
Transportation service also includes alternatives such as:
- Medical Transport
- Ambulatory (Taxi/Car) Service
Health Solutions’ transportation service cooperates only with licensed and
properly insured commercial drivers who are responsible and experienced enough
to handle complicated situations. We keep the process simple and secure so that
every client can trust us with their patient’s transportation.
Care Health Solutions offers authentic, accurate, and high-quality translations and interpretation services. Our international team of qualified and proficient language experts works on individual cases helping out patients any time of the day and night. We offer:
- Court-certified interpreters;
- Around 200 languages;
- In-Place Interpretations;
- Over-the-phone Interpretation (OPI);
- Recorded statements and interviews;
- 48-72 hour Fax/Email report turnaround time
communication is crucial during medical procedures, and communicating in
different languages can cause misunderstandings and difficulties in conveying
patients’ medical conditions. Different
dialects, different meanings of the same words can play a vital role in
perceiving specific details and information. That is why the accuracy of the
service provided is crucial, our professional linguistic specialists translate,
transcribe, and interpret any spoken or written material for the patients and
doctors. With an international team with around 200 languages and dialects
specialists available, Care Health Solutions allows the patients to avoid any
misconceptions and omissions.
Pre-settlement funding can be granted to the patient who experiences difficulties with the settlements or has outstanding medical/living debts.
Care Health Solutions experts provide individual and exceptional services and assure the best healthcare solutions for our patients. Our team deals with various cases and works with the attorney individually, evaluating and assessing every case with great attention and care. Care Health Solutions’ network of qualified medical professionals specializes in medical and legal evaluations providing funding for treatment for personal injury cases on a lien basis.
Care Health Solutions can assist with scheduling and funding ofpre-operative evaluations for the following reasons:
➔ Ensure correctly informed consents;
➔ Clear introduction of medical conditions of the patient;
➔ Identify or plan an optimal condition prior to the procedures;
➔ Ensure the elimination of complications;
➔ Risk management plan;
➔ Delays for additional testing;
➔ Alternative treatment possibilities depending on pre-op examinations results;
➔ Medical history examination such as cardiopulmonary dysfunction, bleeding tendency, substance use;
➔ Medications;
➔ Focused physical examinations;
➔ Limitations of pre-op testing labs;
➔ Evaluation of low risk and elevated risk types of surgeries;

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